When Love Norbury was formed in 2014, one of our principal aims was to tackle the litter and fly tipping situation and improve the general cleanliness of our neighbourhood. Since then, we have had some great successes, most notably the major clean ups of the high street and parks which have removed hundreds of bags of rubbish.
However, it is fair to say the situation is currently worse than ever!
We can only realistically solve this problem if we work together as a community, to educate, encourage, deter and where necessary take action against perpetrators. Love Norbury has therefore teamed up with the recently formed Litter Free Norbury group, Norbury Knitters and our local councillors to launch a major spring clean offensive.
Between 28 May and 13 June we want to bring people together to:
- clean up the high street and surrounding streets
- publicise the Spring Clean campaign
- talk and listen to local residents, business owners and shoppers
- agree a clear set of actions that will make a noticeable difference to the state of our streets.
Our first event is a clean up on Saturday 29th May. More details on our Events Page.