The financial difficulties facing Croydon Council have been much in the media lately. Your ward councillors, Leila Ben Hassel and Shafi Khan are keen to give you the opportunity to find out more about what has been happening and what it is likely to mean for residents. Love Norbury is pleased to host this meeting, which will be held on Zoom because of Covid restrictions. As well as our local councillors, the Deputy Leader, Stuart King, will also be at the meeting.
The councillors have prepared a short information sheet, setting out some of the background to the financial difficulties and how the situation may affect residents.
Date: Wednesday 2 December
Time: 7.45pm
Where: Online using Zoom
To join: Send your email address to The Zoom link will be sent to you a day or two before the meeting. Please also say to which residents’ association or community group you belong.
We invite you to send in questions and comments when you request the Zoom link. We will also take questions and comments from the audience on the night.
Note – to keep the number of attendees manageable, invitations are limited to Love Norbury members, that is members of the Norbury residents’ associations and other subscribed community groups.